• Member Since 13th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen May 19th


Dutch reader/writer. Fan of 2nd pov stories and cuteness overloads!( Profile art made by our Pegasister: natis120!)

Stories written by me!


New year, what's changed!? · 9:51am Jan 2nd, 2018

Well, nothing of course! Life goes on just like any other day.:twilightsmile:

Yet I wish you all the best in 2018! Lets all hope we'll get a cute pone to snuggle this year!:rainbowkiss:

Report Lazydrill · 271 views ·
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Please let me know if it does :)

It caught my interest, I’m sure it will give the feeling feels.:moustache:

Oh really? I guess it will sit there and when I hear from you again it will make me smile if that is the case.

Hol’ up there mate, I haven’t favoured the story, only added it to my read later list.:twilightsmile:

yays! Thank you for Favoriting Bone Daddy! Please drop a like and comment, I like comments, give me people to talk to about the things that I write.

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