NEW UPDATE COMING SOON · 11:10pm Oct 25th, 2017
Be prepared, I’ve been risen from the grave...
Artist, Author, Asian... Trifecta Perfecta~
Oh my, you've come to my user page with some interest in finding out who I am as a person?
Things You Should Know
1. I draw; shoot me a comment if interested
2. I write (not much anymore...)
3. Action Adventure is my forte
4. He who follows shall become a leader himself...
5. Derpibooru - MundusShunkuntus (NSFW)
6. DeviantArt - ShunkestunoPoni
I'll follow if you do!
Be prepared, I’ve been risen from the grave...
Same Dude; New Do
Merry Christmas!
And a happy new year!
Same boat with 2056038
Dat bookshelf name,
Thanks for commenting on my story man, appreciate it!
He deleted the story and clicking mark all read doesn't do anything. It won't go away.