• Member Since 2nd May, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 8th, 2020

Kage no Brony

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Just a little fun · 5:51am Jan 16th, 2013

Hey, in case you didn't know, there's a Friendship is Magic based game out for Android devices.

It's the thousandth summer sun celebration, and Nightmare Moon has returned! The ponies fled ponyville in a panic, but The Faithful Student remained behind! Draw the other ponies back to the town, gather the elements, and activate them!

The main point is to collect 'shards' of each element so you can activate them and take down Nightmare Moon.

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Report Kage no Brony · 610 views ·
Comments ( 97 )
  • Viewing 93 - 97 of 97

Thank you for adding Luna's New Magic to your Amusing Stories folder.
Hope you can drop by again soon!

Thank you for adding Swimming Lessons to one of your shelves.

It's a great alternate universe, looking forward to getting time to read through the rest of the sequels.

Glad you are amused by my work.

Thanks for adding SciTwi Shimmer-Books 3 & 5 to your bookshelf. :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 93 - 97 of 97
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