Twilight Is Best Mother 289 members · 79 stories

This is A group for those that find Twilight as the best mother, weather it be by adoption, or a birth child, please help me find stories for her and put into the right folder ^.^

Comments ( 8 )
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Matt why do I keep finding your name everywhere?

Obsi #6 · Jun 25th, 2017 · · 2 ·

I have a story about Twi being a not-so-good mom. Can I put that in this group?

Apparently, I need to be here in suport of Twilight as Mum, in part due to stories I am working on.
I just added a story to the group, with Twilly as the acting mother of a foal.(fillyTwi)

402998 lol! Well thay will be your worst, Nightmare.

402994 as many as I can. :)

372644 Hooooo, Matt! How many groups are you going to make?

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