• Member Since 10th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen June 18th

Lloyd Shamrock

My life consists of four personalities.

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Lloyd and Co. Gaming Blog - Episode 1: Paris Heist and Japanese Jamboree (Sly Cooper: Thieves In Time) · 12:44am Jan 18th, 2016

Are we seriously doing this?

I think it'll be cute. At least we'll do something together, right?

With Red's chances of fighting, I doubt he'll play a game.

What's that supposed to mean, Blue?

Do you recall the time during the Battle of the Bands you got beaten up by a girl?

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Thank you for the fav! Likes and comments are appreciated :twilightsmile:

Be sure to headed on over to my channel to see if anyone can answer my jokes. The rest of the info you can find in my blog. Also share this message to anyone you think could answer my jokes

What up?! Homies for "OMG" is here to comment on the sense. So what plans do you have for Vollis's side of the story. And if you don't know then why not ask your fans for any of their ideas. Consider this As advice from my BFF, your good pal Andrew. Because I for one say "just add some Golden Flare into it" and you maybe get some where. So hope your shamrock charms come in handy.

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