How’s quarantine treating you? · 12:04pm May 3rd, 2020
I have been a little under the weather for a while, but after reading such beautiful fics her, I thought that I’d take this time to maybe make another fic.
Also, a special thank you to Lonely Fanboy , who has been a good writer, and given me opportunities to put to the test.
So, yeah... I hope for this damn coronavirus to get out so we can be our human selves again, but until then, stay safe, stay home, and stay strong!
2928030 thank you. I’ll do my best.
Glad to have you aboard on Positive Ponies, awesome possum!
Admiral Snuggles appreciates your support
2854408 sweet! If you wanna check out my fics, you can. Either way, #KeepDoingYou #Freakz4Lyfe
Finished with your chapter
2489017 the first one of what?