• Member Since 23rd Aug, 2015
  • offline last seen July 18th

Silver Topaz

I'm not a writer I just write because it's fun.

My stories that you may or may not like


It’s been awhile hasn’t it. · 11:31pm March 2nd

Well I thought I should let everyone know I’m alive and that I’m doing fine. I felt nostalgic and wanted to see this page again. Will I ever write again? Who knows but what I do know is coming back and seeing all of this again made me very happy. I hope all of you are happy and living your best life.

Report Silver Topaz · 35 views ·
Comments ( 144 )
  • Viewing 140 - 144 of 144

I'm good, how are you?

Hi, how are you?

I do like it. It's great.

Thanks for favoriting When Heavens Divide; I hope you like it :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 140 - 144 of 144
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