• Member Since 9th Oct, 2016
  • offline last seen Feb 20th, 2022

Cherry delight

Just a writer who churns out stories for the people of fimfiction

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Procrastinating 101 · 9:53am Oct 28th, 2016

How to procrastinate:
1.Go onto FIMfiction
2. Start writing the story
3. Get bored and start reading other stories
4. Go back to and experiment with text and stuff for awhile
In the time of about 3 hours using this method you may find you have written about a paragraph
Congratulate yourself and say "eh at least I wrote something today"
Well done
Using this guide you have now wasted 3hours of your life
Thank me later

Report Cherry delight · 322 views ·

heyo · 7:11pm Oct 6th, 2017

I am coming back to fimfiction!
I have been away from writing awhile but now I have so many new ideas buzzing around in my head and I'm super excited
Anyway. How have you been?
Sorry for the grammar but eh
See ya

(my cat is a year old! Happy birthday, Autumn!! 🎉)

Report Cherry delight · 327 views ·
Comments ( 114 )
  • Viewing 110 - 114 of 114

president George h w bush funeral was today

I think they should have end my little pony at seasons 4 instead of 5 6 7 8

Are you still around?
I've been super busy and finally am having a bit of time for writing.
Hope to see you sometime soon.

  • Viewing 110 - 114 of 114
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