Latest Stories
- In an effort to spread the spirit of friendship at Crystal Prep Academy, the Shadowbolts decide to revive an old school tradition.AppleJTZ · 17k words · 38 0 · 2.8k views
- In order to earn some money, Sugarcoat of the Shadowbolts takes on a job as a babysitter. Taking care of two babies can't be too hard, right?AppleJTZ · 16k words · 41 1 · 1.3k views
- When her friends refuse to join Lemon's band, she stumbles upon members outside of Crystal Prep.AppleJTZ · 22k words · 56 3 · 1.5k views
- A horrible(?) crime shakes Crystal Prep Academy! And it is up to Detective(?) Sour Sweet to solve the case.AppleJTZ · 21k words · 71 3 · 2.2k views
- When Pinkie Pie leaves her sister Marble Pie in care of Fluttershy for an afternoon, the two of them engage in a conversation.AppleJTZ · 1.4k words · 71 2 · 2.8k views
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Crystal Prep Chronicles
"Let's go, Shadowbolts!" After the friendship games everything returns back to normal at Crystal Prep Academy. However, five students seem influenced by the spirit of friendship they witnessed at CHS, and are unwilling to go back to the cold-hearted usual of their school. by AppleJTZ 16,958 words · 222 · 1
A Stellar Performance Given the chance to perform a theatre play at school, Sunny Flare is more than eager to make sure the vision of her play is executed perfectly - even when her actors aren't all THAT perfect. by AppleJTZ 15,075 words · 97 · 1
Dungeons & Dorks Unable to decide what to do on Friday night, the Shadowbolts of Crystal Prep take on a tabletop adventure. by AppleJTZ 22,086 words · 111 · 0
Revolution in Blue! Inspired by a history lesson Indigo Zap decides to start her own revolution at Crystal Prep Academy. by AppleJTZ 14,126 words · 67 · 2
Sour's on the case! A horrible(?) crime shakes Crystal Prep Academy! And it is up to Detective(?) Sour Sweet to solve the case. by AppleJTZ 21,498 words · 71 · 3
Stories about the Shadowbolts from Crystal Prep Academy.
Do come back.
Are you still writing stories on the shadowbolts?
2376984 Can't tell, sorry.
Whens the next story???
>>AppleJTZ can't wait to read it!!!!
2322903 Thank you :) I try to get a new story done in November, but I can't guarantee anything.
I need more from the shadowbolts it was really good I love them!!! I love the chemistry between Lemon and Indigo!! I ship them like FedEx!! ???
2300891 Thank you
There is one in work, but it's coming along veeeeery slowly since I'm rather busy currently. I'm afraid you have to wait a while for it 
Hi there!! I read the whole saga of the ShadowBolts , and I loved it!! I wanted to ask if there will be a story of Sugar Coat, please tell me yes
2117697 So, life intervening pretty much. Understandable.^^