• Member Since 6th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Spanish is my first language, and I have no real experience with English grammar. So I hope you understand and forgive my mistakes in translating my stories.

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To adopt · 11:57pm Aug 20th, 2020

Well I put this here because I don't really know where to consult.

'Silent Dazzlings' and 'Mirage Shimmer' were among my first translated and published stories, both being part of the same timeline, and at first I wanted to complete a trilogy, with a story that would follow both, called 'Sunset Dawn'.
However, after these years and after writing fics with other themes, I no longer feel motivated to do that story.

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Report RedPegasus · 371 views ·
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Hi there! Thank you for adding 'Be Mine' to your library! I do hope you enjoy it!:yay:

Thank you for adding "And everything in between" to your library! :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the add!

Comment posted by CosmosGalen deleted Feb 7th, 2019
  • Viewing 8 - 12 of 12
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