• Member Since 26th Aug, 2016
  • offline last seen May 24th, 2020


Hey, I'm BronyPony and i just realized that someone is actually going read this bio..... Hi welcome to my FimFic account. If you want to contact me, my name is BronyPony on Discord.


Well Fuck · 9:36am May 24th, 2020

So yea fuck...its been years since i been in this fandom, and yet like a blackhole it sucks me right back in.

So Hello there its been for ever and im back and I will be posting up everything i writen bc why the fuck not at this point.

Report bronyp0ny · 165 views ·
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Thanks for the follow!

Heya, thanks for the follow and stuff!

Thanks for the fav don't forget to like or comment. I hope you enjoy my stories :pinkiehappy:

Thanks for the Fav! I hope you enjoyed reading it!


I know it's a little late, but welcome to Fimfiction! Here's some advice for new users that I usually give:

-This: >> is the reply button in the top right corner of a comment.
-The chain next to the picture lets you give clickable links and make words do the same.
-The Sp is spoilers, to black out text until someone hovers thier mouse over it.
-The mail option next to a persons profile is a PM and helps best when you need one on one time.
-You're able to like and dislike comments, same with stories too, by clicking the thumbs up or thumbs down. Both are situated at the top part of the comment/story.

A few pointers on being on the site would be:

-Try to get a solid twenty-five to fifty followers before you release a story. You'll immediately have that many people know about your story.
-Find some good people to become friends with, maybe start a group with a few, write a collab, whatever. They'll be able to help you on almost anything.
-Always have at least an editor. Proofreaders really help too.
-Be sure to credit your cover art.

Some writing pointers would be:
-When doing thoughts from a character always italicize.
-Don't use many exclamation marks when yelling.
-Use double quotes for dialogue.
-A "paragraph" in writing can go from a single word to multiple sentences, always know when to double space.

If you already know everything, that's great! If you have any questions though, don't be afraid to ask me!

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