• Member Since 5th Jun, 2016
  • offline last seen Jan 25th, 2018

Aqua Drops

Basically stories of Celestia and Luna bickering like sisters. Or Celestia being a jerk. Or Luna being clueless. XD

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Rereading Your Own Stories · 12:57am Jan 26th, 2017

Am I the only one who goes back and rereads their own stories (the good ones, not the fail ones like Celestia's Mistake...) cackling at their ingenious?


I'll leave now.

Report Aqua Drops · 413 views ·
Comments ( 16 )
  • Viewing 12 - 16 of 16

Wow, you've got way more than 13 now.

Basically stories of Celestia and Luna bickering like sisters. Or Celestia being a jerk. Or Luna being clueless. XD

This alone caught my attention.
Funko pop's and anger issues got you a follow

2279229 :rainbowderp: at least it's better than zero.

Joking, lol. Thanks for the follow :twilightsmile:

13 followers seemed unlucky.

  • Viewing 12 - 16 of 16
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The Most Annoying Things to do on a Cruise Ship · 4:00am Jan 17th, 2017

1. Press every button in the lift. Make sure it stops on every floor.

2. Take way too much food from the buffet. Spill some on the way back to your table.

3. Scream continuously in the formal dining room. Stop when people look and pretend you didn't do it.

4. Run down the corridors and knock on everyone's doors.

5. Go skinny dipping in the kids pool.

6. Order a drink and when it comes pretend you didn't order it. Repeat.

7. Step on people's feet in lifts. Don't apologise.

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