• Member Since 10th Aug, 2016
  • offline last seen Feb 7th, 2017


I am the ultimate lifeform and the true speed demon


Hey guys it's wolfie here · 11:11pm Feb 6th, 2017

and I wanted to tell you I have moved onto instagram so if you have a profile tell me and I'll come follow you

Report Shadowthehedgehog86 · 424 views ·
Comments ( 148 )
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Hey, wherever you are, I hope you are safe and healthy

Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't get a notification that you were watching me. :derpyderp1: I'll have to rectify that immediately; thank you! :pinkiehappy: May I inquire why you decided to follow such a lowly editor such as myself?

I feel like saying anything against you would be like saying something against myself...

  • Viewing 144 - 148 of 148
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A bit about me and me skullsmasher

Gender: boy
Age: eighteen
I am shadow the hedgehog and I am the ultimate lifeform I am always open to talk just don't piss me off or I'll chaos blast your ass