• Member Since 26th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen Mar 21st, 2019

Colt Bolt

You ask me who is best pony, I say changelings are the best pony. Don't forget to hit that follow button. The more followers I have, the easier my WORLD DOMINATION PL- I mean, writing will be.

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OVER 1000! · 7:52am Feb 6th, 2016

*Colt Bolt rapidly clicks the refresh button*
"Whatcha doooing Colt?":pinkiesmile:
"I'm about to reach over 1000 views, come here, watch."

"almost there"

"Yes, yes. come on"

"So close."

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Report Colt Bolt · 396 views · Story: Heart Beats ·
Comments ( 7 )
  • Viewing 3 - 7 of 7

World domination you say well then let's get started MUHAHAHAHAHA

2276949 To answer the question, it's good. I'm just a little worried about the next three chapters lol:unsuresweetie:

2276947 I just need to know how the story is progressing and being updated

2276945 Well I knew that. Just didn't know that was the reason:unsuresweetie:

2276673 I'm your editor

  • Viewing 3 - 7 of 7
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OVER 1000! · 7:52am Feb 6th, 2016

*Colt Bolt rapidly clicks the refresh button*
"Whatcha doooing Colt?":pinkiesmile:
"I'm about to reach over 1000 views, come here, watch."

"almost there"

"Yes, yes. come on"

"So close."

Read More

Report Colt Bolt · 396 views · Story: Heart Beats ·