• Member Since 28th Jul, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


I am new to here, devout in my faith as a Evangelistic Christian, Rail fan especially Steam Rail, Civil War Reenactor, history nut, and self-dubbed, "On-the-fence Brony"

Latest Stories

Story Progress

Son of the Sun

Chapter 16: - - - Chapter 17: - - - Chapter 18:
(Chapter): 100% - (Chapter): 100% - (Sneak Peek):
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Chapter):

Twilight's the Last Gleaming

Chapter 1: - - - - - Chapter 2: - - - - - Chapter 3:
(Chapter): - - 0% -- (Chapter): - - 0% -- (Chapter): - - 0%

Grogar: Equestria's forgotten foe

Chapter 3: - - - - - Chapter 4: - - - - - Chapter 5:
(Chapter): 100% -- (Chapter): 100% -- (Sneak Peek): 100%
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Chapter): Starting...

Comments ( 18 )
  • Viewing 9 - 18 of 18

2351996 That was an idea in my Bold Heart Story, and you know why.:raritywink:

If you whant, you can use Cream Cross in your stories? I wouldn't mind. ;)

2107571 Welcome; I felt I should.:twilightsmile:

Thanks for the watch! :twilightsmile:

Oh, hey! Thanks so much for the Watch! I greatly appreciate it, and I hope that I can keep doing my best to deserve it!:twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 9 - 18 of 18
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