• Member Since 23rd Aug, 2015
  • offline last seen January 10th

Silver Topaz

I'm not a writer I just write because it's fun.



Sequel here http://www.fimfiction.net/story/337846/spikes-actual-date

Spike wants to ask Rarity out but he wants to know if he is ready for a real date so his solution go on a practice date. Luckily for him most of his Ponyville friends are mares so he has a lot of options. Who will Spike choose and what will happen when the practice date turns into a real one, what will happen when Spike discovers feelings he didn't know he had.

Cover art was made by KingWay1995

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 24 )

I believe the last sentence should end in a question mark:raritywink:

:moustache: Twilight I've got a dating problem...
:twilightsheepish: Still can't ask out Rarity?
:moustache: I did but It's a little different. . .
:twilightblush: She said no?
:moustache: They all said yes.


I like this story. But, it's a bit confusing to read without the use of commas and question marks, on some of the sentences. I'd recommend getting a proofreader to help you out with this story. Try asking in the forums for help.

You TEASE!!!!!! Nice chapter though. Can't wait for the next one.

I'm really enjoying this story Cyber Storm. Again your using Starlight really well as well as the other characters. I can't wait for the next chapter. I'm not sure how long this story will be, but it's doing great! :pinkiehappy:

Now I would recommend you find a editor to help you put in the commas, question marks and periods. There is a group designed to help writers find a editor to help and in fact I have someone who edits my stories.

Again, amazing story. Can't wait to see what happens next. :twilightsmile: :raritystarry:

Amazing, I loved the ending!!!
Good Job! XD

7187931 Thanks I didn't think it was that good but I glad you like it.

This story was amazing. A very nice romance story. This is definitely one of my favorite Sparlight shipping fics.

ANOTHA! :raritystarry:

7188032 Okay you'll get another but not for a while.

7188048 Sure thing, take your time. I was kinda joking about that (okay not really). I really enjoyed reading this. I will come back to this and read it again.

7188056 Thanks I'm glad you liked it.


Commas. Punctuation. Proper grammar. You need them.

You go get him starlight!

Okay, I need to be honest, I usually like a good shipping fic, but when the grammar is bad enough that the story is hard to read, well it kinda hard to like a story that you have a hard time reading. I'm sorry if that's harsh, but I seriously have to question whether you actually tried reading this story, out loud, to yourself first.

7580019 Well I don't see it as hard to read. But English isn't my first language, is Spanish, so even when I try hard there will be mistakes.

Anyway I just write for fun. Weather people like it or not.

7580331 Of course. If you love it, keep doing it. That's my personal opinion, but I actually think it's refreshing to see a writer every now and then who doesn't give a damn as to what their audience says.

7581081 Well that's me. Someone offered to edit for me, so I took the offer for the sequel. But my first story wasn't edited in any way.

Where are all the periods in these paragraphs? A comma is for a pause in a sentence, not a replacement for a period. Might wanna get an editor for this greatly, cuz it seems like either English grammar isn't your primary language, or it's just not your forte. :twilightsheepish:

"Ahhh come on Spike it'll be fun I'll even give you a kiss" Pinkie said while also fluttering her eyes, Spike was afraid at this point it was weird having Pinkie trying to seduce him.

What's wrong with that?
PinkieSpike for the win!

Comment posted by Starlight Fan deleted Feb 7th, 2023
Comment posted by Starlight Fan deleted Feb 7th, 2023
Comment posted by Starlight Fan deleted Feb 7th, 2023
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