• Member Since 26th Nov, 2017
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


Even the smallest idea can become a great story


No, it's not dead · 7:15pm March 14th

Greetings Dear Readers,

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Report Zwillingen700 · 438 views · Story: The Game: Aether and Mind ·

No, it's not dead · 7:15pm March 14th

Greetings Dear Readers,

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Report Zwillingen700 · 438 views · Story: The Game: Aether and Mind ·
Comments ( 414 )
  • Viewing 410 - 414 of 414

Drowning in stress a bit, I have to admit. University in IT can take a lot of time and is quite draining, especially if you have to program a game, a board game that came out about two years ago, all the while being forced to work in what can only be described as a barb wire cage due to the files in the preset required to be used. And while I have a stack of chapters already done and gone through their first editing process, my Editor is recovering right now, though luckily healthy and getting better, likely, and hopefully, isn't thinking about editing until entirely healthy.

Besides all those points above, I'd say I have been worse, admittedly, meaning I'm not getting overwhelmed just yet. I can probably start writing again after the 17th, but the publishing of chapters is still something to be seen.

You ok author?

Mans if only you left "don't get cocky" up

No problem, man. I know first hand just how easy it is to get distracted and pulled away from a story for a long period of time. I admire your dedication to not only write a good story, but also to keep updating it even as life gets in the way.

  • Viewing 410 - 414 of 414
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