• Member Since 19th Dec, 2014
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Blood for the Blood God and pony stories for everyone!

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I'm not dead, I swear! · 12:25pm Jun 7th, 2021

Though for about half a year there I was either homeless/without the internet, so there is that. I'm still getting back into the swing of things but I'm going to do my best to get back to writing as soon as I can. Just wanted y'all to know the situation and assure everyone I am, in fact, okay.

Report Crensler · 971 views · Story: Finding Artemis ·
Comments ( 79 )
  • Viewing 75 - 79 of 79

Oh my, hope you're alright otherwise.

Was that result of lockdown mess?

Hey Crensler,
I didn’t forget about your writing! Though, I genuinely hope things are going well for you.
Do you plan on updating Finding Artemis, or is it official on hiatus?

Hey, I recently read over "To know Hell" and "Finding Artemis" and couldn't help seeing that you're still active on the site, so knowing you'll possibly read this, I just wanted to say this: Thanks for giving us two of the, in my opinion, best stories on this site. I don't know if you are still working on "Finding Artemis", but know that for all the chapters you published I am immensely grateful and wish you a bright future ahead.

Sincerely, someone who started to write stories and read for fun because of works like yours.

*Poke Poke*
I still come back once every month or two to see if you’ve updated.
I hope you’re well.

Hey, glad to hear it!

  • Viewing 75 - 79 of 79
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