Atlantis Update · 5:33pm Jun 5th, 2017
Hey everypony, just wanted to let you know that I’ve made some significant changes to the first chapter of Lost Empire so you might want to check that out. Now some of you are likely wondering about the next chapter of this story, rest assured I am working on it I just need to figure out a few things. For those of you that are familiar with the original movie, remember this is the part where Milo makes his presentation to the board of directors so I need to figure out what sort of legends
I'm very interested in how g5 interacts with FIM.
Merci Beaucoup for adding Tides of Time to your library. What about it did you enjoy?
Hey I know I already commented about this, but that was before I found out about your other wondrous stories, stories that I'm praying you'll continue.
It's okay, thanks
It's alright, I haven't updated any of my stuff in over a year either. Sorry if I seemed a bit terse in my last message, I was more upset with autocorrect than anything, because I was SURE I typed "fury"... You're totally fine.