• Member Since 30th May, 2016
  • offline last seen Dec 6th, 2018


As you can see, my name is above me, but you can call me Displace, for short. Anyway, I am looking for writers to help me out with my stories. Also, Hamster_Master, you are not permitted to be here.

My Magnificent Creations (ignore the dislikes if they have any)!~

You know...

... It's weird enough that I'm a frickin' Displacer AND a SysAdmin, but along with that, I have to deal with a bunch of frickin' morons every day:

... Fuck my life...

When in need...



Been a while. · 4:26am Sep 30th, 2018

So, a couple things.

All my stories are up for adoption.

I thought about it, and I decided to just give them up. You don't even have to ask for permission. Just... take them.

Anyway, I also wanted to give a shout-out to a friend of mine's story, which can be found here: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/405800/nebula-stepper-a-new-beginning

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Comments ( 196 )
  • Viewing 177 - 196 of 196

I am honored to see all the categories you put my story into.

thank you.

Cuphead knows that first hand.



Well, just be careful. It's dangerous to make deals with the devil.~

2568533 The best gambles are the ones with something with high stakes :twilightsmile:
It'll be published by tomorrow so I hope you enjoy it, although getting it approved might take a bit longer/s]


A gambling man?

Don't gamble with life.

2566684 Sorry for the delayed response, sorry I was unable to provide anything new, but I've written up most of the first chapter to the new story I'm working on. It'll most likely be done and ready in a few days time. I hope you have a pleasant day/evening.
I was always a fan of gambling


Your welcome, mein friend.

Brother of Mine is a favorite for me, honestly.

thanks for the follow


I've seen Skyboss's work.

The Shadofang one... meh.

I'm a follower of the Time God... Xelor.

2566671 Of course, I always found Wakfu to be exceptionally interesting. I try to aim for Displaced that haven't been done before often, there is another two stories I could recommend to you in the meantime if you haven't already seen them.
Promising Shadows
Xelor's Legacy


...could you make another fic similar to it, then?

For me?

There aren't really... ANY Wakfu Crossover fics on here.


Oh, just the sheer hilarity and the righteousness of Blueblood getting his ass handed to him by the Order of No Quarter, as well as the prank that the Order of No Quarter pulled on the Mane Six before they officially introduced themselves.

Wow, thanks for taking a REALLY strong liking to my story. I'm sorry I was unable to finish it but I have another Displaced that'll be coming soon.

Thank you for adding, Order of No Quarter: Equestrian Frontier, to your "Don't You Dare change a thing." book shelf. If you don't mind me asking, what parts did you like/dislike, as knowing what needs to be tweaked can help me improve it.


Or just get the "You Are An Annoyance!" Achievement.

All you have to do now is start reading some of my fics and you'll earn even more badges. :raritywink:


...I was totally expecting a "Here you go, you little shite!" Badge. But, this is the next best thing!

Congratulations [SUBJECT NAME HERE], you have earned the...
You must be the pride of [SUBJECT HOMETOWN HERE]!


Oh, most people have done it, save for the 100th episode.

And I followed you.

I...literally...know of nobody else who does that. :rainbowderp:

Well, if you want a fan badge, you can start with a watch; as in, go to my user page and click the "Follow" button.

  • Viewing 177 - 196 of 196
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...Worthy of thy attention...


Blog Posts

  • 303 weeks
    Been a while.

    So, a couple things.

    All my stories are up for adoption.

    I thought about it, and I decided to just give them up. You don't even have to ask for permission. Just... take them.

    Anyway, I also wanted to give a shout-out to a friend of mine's story, which can be found here: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/405800/nebula-stepper-a-new-beginning

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    3 comments · 562 views
  • 336 weeks

    ...I have a plan.

    But, I may need some help.

    You see, fairly recently, I found myself back on FiMFiction, reading old stories for the memories of this place that I once called... home.

    And, during that same time, I remembered my stories.

    Originally, I was going to give them away, or at least a few of them, so that they would have some form of hope with someone else, better than I.

    But now... heheheheh...

    I've found something.

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    7 comments · 582 views
  • 360 weeks
    From another Twilight.

    (I am very lazy right now, so I'll just post what "Twilight Is The BEST" posted, with some edits.)

    Hey people, I want you all to know that Twilight Is The BEST's collab story Fullmetal Pony has a new chapter. So if your interested in it, check it out and if you enjoyed it, give it a thumbs up and follow the author.

    0 comments · 414 views
  • 371 weeks
    Ok, so...

    ... What?

    3 comments · 434 views
  • 371 weeks
    Ok, I hate to admit it, but...

    ... I'm cringing at my own story.

    Compared to my "Formation" story on Fanfiction.NET, "The Newest Displacer", in the beginning, that is, sucks enough ass to literally create a whirlpool of cringe or a tornado of shit.

    Given I did have some help from my buddy DragShot on Fanfiction.NET for "Formation" (specifically editing it and being a pre-reader of sorts for me), but still.

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    11 comments · 426 views
  • 371 weeks
    Ideas for later chapters in my stories.

    I've been thinking of using lyrics to popular songs from real life bands (The White Stripes, KONGOS, etc.) and YouTubers (like NateWantsToBattle, J.T. Machinima, DAGames, etc.) in the later chapters for some of my stories (both current and up and coming), like Inkbeings in Equestria, the Aftermath of The Rise of A King, The Sins of Our Pasts, Meet The Medic Bot, etc. etc.

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  • 372 weeks



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  • 374 weeks
    Question to everyone.

    I need you to answer me honestly.


    How good do you think I would be at writing smut?

    I'm asking because I have just been given permission by someone named Geo Soul on Fanfiction.NET to do a "sequel" of sorts to the first chapter of his story "We Are The Crystal Gems". It has SteviDot and a bit of LapiDot in it.

    Oh, and here's a summary of it for those who are interested.

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  • 375 weeks
    Currently working.

    I'm currently working on the next chapter of "Antasma and Fawful (Plus Dimentio and Blumiere/Bleck): Partners in Equis!"

    Here is a little bit of what I have right now.

    Bowser immediately tried to break the electricity, only to scream in pain as his hand was burned...

    The Chaos Heart began to produce more electricity, arching towards the machines, causing them to short-circuit...

    ... only for everything to stop.

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    5 comments · 362 views

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Not just a writer...

But also an RPer!

Mostly a sexual one, but can play nonsexual ones, too.

I accept all kinds, but, I'd like to be Dom.