• Member Since 10th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen Jun 29th, 2016


I have become Death; The Destroyer of Worlds


Facebook and skype! · 3:48am Nov 10th, 2015

Hey there guys, it's me, Dartagnen Drake Agundez, a.k.a. Prophet. So, I'm just gonna do some things before I go on and ramble on about everything in life and crud like this, but, I'd like to say a few things. I'd like to thank you guys through the couple of years I've been on this site. It's really you guys who make me feel special in my darkest times, who encouraged me when I had writers block, who just really made me...well...me. You guys are honestly the best people I know, I don't really

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Report Dartagnen · 676 views · Story: My little Crysis ·
Comments ( 55 )
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Deader than a fucking roadkill animal

Hey dude, you still alive?

Hi, Here is A Private Message I Just Sent to You Today Regarding A Single Epic Story Suggestion That I Highly Recommend for you to make...http://www.fimfiction.net/manage_user/messages/9112776
with thanks and Hopes Up,
From Your Biggest Fan of All Time Ever in the history of all of reality,
Shane W.L. Nokes aka James S.K. Plasma aka Dark-Pulse/Darkimus-Primal

Thanks a ton for faving My Little Pony - The Age of Dinosaurs

I hope you like it…

Thanks for the fave on A Second Chance! :pinkiehappy:

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