• Member Since 16th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 15th, 2018



Finally got my laptop back · 2:12pm Aug 15th, 2013

Long story short, my dad borrowed my laptop in order to back up some data, which means that I have been unable to use it for the past week and a bit. Which means that I've been unable to write. Throw in the fact that I want to nuke all the progress I've made on the latest chapter of King of Chaos, and that means I have no work to show you.

Many apologies. I will strive to correct this as soon as possible.

Report ProfCharles · 763 views ·

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Not sure. Some people just go.

Just wondering what's it's about. :rainbowhuh:
I found one of very forgotten stories that I haven't read. Read the latest chapter, which is 2013. And now I see this comment. What is going on?

Fair thee well, Professor. Or however you're supposed to say that.

Wherever you may be, continue looking like a sir.

Thanks for favoriting Diary of an Aspiring Tyrant!

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