• Member Since 19th Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen March 8th

The Lutece twins

I think I am done with creating stories, just don't have that drive anymore nor the creative juices. but hey, continue to read my stories to you're hearts content

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Maybe i should just quit... · 3:14pm Jan 30th, 2018

Hey guys, morning, afternoon, evening, where ever you live, i am posting this blog up cause i think i should quit fimfiction for good, i have had fun while it lasted, years too, but with depression, work, well everything, i just can't take the stress anymore and i think i should quit. For all of my followers and followees, i thank you for being with me this entire time and i hope you enjoy my stories and more...

Report The Lutece twins · 464 views ·
Comments ( 343 )
  • Viewing 334 - 343 of 343

Hey, how are you doing? have you weathered these past few years well?

Thanks for giving Ponid-21 a favorite!

Thank you for having added Welcome Home Soldier to your favorites. I'm really grateful for that, hope you continue to enjoy it sugarcube. :ajsmug: :eeyup:

Panzer Pony

Ty for the fave:twilightsmile:

ehh why bother, the rude person isn't worth my time

Really? He insulted you for a story? Wow...

If you want, you can tell Eldorado, he's one of the moderators.

but the person wouldn't listen and than they began to call me a dick instead

  • Viewing 334 - 343 of 343
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