• Member Since 30th Jun, 2014
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Master of Disaster

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Comments ( 67 )
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Ninjadeadbeard had a story that involved a Discord/Fluttershy hybrid Anny
I just changed it a little to Annarchy Shy of Chaos
Chaos and Anarchy in the Kingdom
I like this one - https://www.fimfiction.net/story/433898/motherhood

So is "Anarchy Shy of Chaos" a FlutterCord child OC?

A running gag. Like the Tonight Shows :Here's Jonny"

It's what I do...
Sparity , Discoshy/Fluttercord , Rainbow Dash and the kitchen sink , Celestia & Cake

:duck: Thanks to Discord :moustache: We have mutant baby dragon pony things :facehoof: Hybrids Spike Hybrids :pinkiegasp: Like Shrek
:pinkiehappy: Cute little Dracony foals :flutterrage: Annarchy Shy of Chaos get back here! Wait until yore father gets home!

:rainbowlaugh: Hi I'm Rainbow Dash I'm a recovering ciderholic :ajsmug: Buy some Apples?

Hey, I see you everywhere and never knew how to bring this up but–...

How come all of your comments on stories are like some kind of bizarre beginning to a RariSpike clopfic? I'm not insulting you, I've just found it kind of funny how similar all your comments are.

aww, he seemed like a cute little guy. Mine's a rather spoiled fella with lots of attitude hah :applejackconfused:

  • Viewing 63 - 67 of 67
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