• Member Since 14th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday


I am a proud Brony, a passionate lover of reading and writing, and I wish my fellow Bronies and my readers well


The Arrowverse · 1:17pm Oct 2nd, 2023

To all you DC Comics fans out there, I’m sure you at least heard of the Arrowverse, a superhero media franchise that began with “Arrow” (starring Oliver Queen / the Green Arrow), before including “The Flash “, “Supergirl”, and more. I think it was a great and compelling journey alongside these heroes and their struggles not only against the villains but also the juggling of their lives, their highs and lows, and how much they suffered yet overcame, so that in the end they would always save the

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Comments ( 206 )
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Hey Wolven I've been reading your "Blaze the pony tale" story for a little bit, I'm almost caught up with the recent chapters. But I wanted to say. It is one of the greatest, well put together, masterpieces, I have ever read on this site. The remade plot is perfect, the action is awesome, the drama, comedy and romantic elements are beautiful and wholesome and addictive. In fact in explaining this story I'm gonna put out a quote. "It was perfect, perfect everything, down to the last minute detail". In fact it has inspired me to actually try writing stories of my own on this site. Might even use my own oc. But anyway, I love your story and I can't wait to see what more you have in store for us. Keep it up🤟😝

Thank you for the kind words. That means a lot to me. :twilightsmile:

I plan to read the sequel soon, but I can see it's not finished yet. Other than that, you set the story up very well and established a character who truly feels like a young Santa Claus

Hi, Wolven5, thank you you so much for having added The Legend of Nicholas to your personal favorites! That means a lot to me. :twilightsmile:

You're welcome :twilightsmile:

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