• Member Since 20th May, 2014
  • offline last seen Jun 25th, 2020

Shadow fire

im fairly new to being a brony, but i count myselfs as one. i enjoy watching the show and roleplaying too. just recently i started to write fan fiction based around one of my OC's


HOLY CRAP! · 11:36pm Sep 14th, 2014

Witnesses car crash

okay, so just a few moments ago while I was out getting pizza, I witnessed a car crash. and man was it scary. The driver and passenger in the car are hurt while the driver in the truck with the giant TV was fine. those two ladies will be in my prayers tonight, and now, I'm not hungry...

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what can I say, its a good book

Thanks for faving A Second Chance :pinkiehappy:

It's difficult to really figure out but since there is nothing left to do in Atlantica her as a summon fits pretty good. Chicken Little might not be a world though it would be interesting.

that's neet, by the way, on the note of KH its looking like atlantica (little mermaid) might be in KH3 though its unclear, due to the whole summon thing on one side genie is a summon and his world is present in both Kh1 and 2 while chicken littles world wasn't, so its anyones guess right now.

Probably not. Unlike the others I'm gonna try to make it happen independently of what Sora and Co are doing. Maybe I'll make mention of them at a later time but until then it's only Gray's story.

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HOLY CRAP! · 11:36pm Sep 14th, 2014

Witnesses car crash

okay, so just a few moments ago while I was out getting pizza, I witnessed a car crash. and man was it scary. The driver and passenger in the car are hurt while the driver in the truck with the giant TV was fine. those two ladies will be in my prayers tonight, and now, I'm not hungry...

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