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Shire Folk


Seriously Guys · 5:39am Nov 18th, 2013

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The Love of God is upon you, now and forever.

1626709 The fic will continue. I have stuff written for the next chapter...it's just taking a long time for the words to come to it. I'm sorry.

May the Grace of the Valar Protect You

Shire Folk

Been so long since and update. :( And it was this fic that got me to go out and buy Kingdom hearts 1.5 and 2.5 and play them nonstop! xD I hope this fic will continue.

1231825 Still planning on doing it. I've got plans in my head, except that those plans keep getting pushed aside in favour of other things that I'm also writing on the fly.

I really, really need to get back to that document. That fight with the Toguro Brothers isn't going to write itself.

May the Grace of the Valar Protect You

Shire Folk

i noticed that GoM hasn't been updated since 2013. just wanted to know if your still planning on updating it and if so, how soon that might be. thanks:pinkiehappy:

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