• Member Since 11th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 28th, 2015

Spazzy Jamz

I'm a 22 year old musician from Jackson, Ohio. I like to read, write, and play video games in my spare time. I'm happily taken. Short and sweet.


Another Distracting Blog Post · 1:23pm Aug 6th, 2015

Hey guys! I'm currently starting work on the next chapter of "The Trouble With Fillies". I would have started earlier, but the internet at my apartment was on the fritz for a few days and trying to write on my phone is a huge pain in the ass. I've been keeping tabs on your feedback to the first chapter, which has been nothing short of amusing and refreshing. Thank you guys for throwing those comments out there, and thank you to the tons of people who have already slapped a favorite on this

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Report Spazzy Jamz · 540 views · Story: The Trouble With Fillies ·

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Comments ( 41 )
  • Viewing 37 - 41 of 41

Where did you go now mate?

1927559 If you only knew me IRL... :pinkiecrazy:

Nevertheless, thank you for following me!

You seem cool. Bit too mature and emotionally stable for my taste, but you'll do.

1912904 Yes it does. Lol. I'm glad to be back and working on the conclusion to Making Adjustments!

And so shall the ride continue once again! Again welcome back, to realm of the living.

  • Viewing 37 - 41 of 41
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