• Member Since 9th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 17th, 2018



Spike's Out of His Depth Reboot. Update. · 11:06pm Jan 16th, 2014

How's it going everyone? I know I'd said I'd do these blog posts on Saturdays but I'm working this Saturday (11am till 3am, Sucks...) so I thought I'd just give you a quick rundown of what I've done:

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Im actually the 100th follower, hehehe

Leavin' that here, if you dun mind

"Don't panic! Hiatus is temporary, suffering serious writers block with this story atm."

**Cough, Cough**
Nearly two years.
Just a gentle reminder.


Can I remove the question mark on your face?

1276201 I'm not forcing myself to write. I thank you for being incredibly patient, but I can't write unless I feel in the mood. I get the ideas, the structure of the story. But for everything else I go blank. Sorry. It's just the way it is. I take it that you're waiting for an update for Spike's Out of His Depth. I haven't been up to writing romance in a while. I'm actually working on an Adventure story at the moment. A big one. And then pile my studies on top of that I hope you appreciate why my account has been effectively dead for some time.

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