• Member Since 28th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


I stick around because of good literature. I am also very bored.

Favority pony test

From https://tylian.net/sort/pony.html
1 Trixie
2 Fluttershy
3 Sweetie Belle
4 Spike
5 Twilight Sparkle
6 Discord
7 Rainbow Dash
8 Apple Bloom
9 Silver Spoon
10 Twist
11 Princess Luna
11 Pipsqueak
13 Derpy
14 Vinyl Scratch
15 Octavia
16 Babs Seed
17 Scootaloo
18 Applejack
19 Nightmare Moon
20 Rarity
21 Pinkie Pie
22 Princess Celestia
23 Cheerilee
24 Lyra
25 Bon Bon
26 Spitfire
27 Granny Smith
28 Shining Armor
29 Princess Cadence
30 Queen Chrysalis
31 Big Macintosh
32 Diamond Tiara
33 Rose Luck
34 Braeburn
35 Soarin'
36 King Sombra
37 Fancy Pants
38 Snowflake / Horsepower
39 Colgate
40 Dr. Whooves
41 Photo Finish
42 Iron Will
43 Fleur de Lys
44 Cloud Chaser
44 Flitter
46 Hoity Toity
47 Berry Punch
48 Carrot Top
49 Zecora
50 Lightning Dust
51 Caramel
52 Gilda
53 Flim
53 Flam
55 Prince Blueblood

My Bio

I stick around because I enjoy good stories. Lapis Lazuli and Wallflower Blush are waifu material. My first language is French but I am bilingual. I am bored.

Comments ( 51 )
  • Viewing 47 - 51 of 51

Legit forgot it showed if you deleted a comment. Criminy, I just wanted to clean my front page.

Comment posted by Lazur deleted July 15th
Comment posted by Root Beer deleted July 15th
Comment posted by Lazur deleted July 15th
Comment posted by Root Beer deleted July 15th
  • Viewing 47 - 51 of 51
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