• Member Since 6th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen May 3rd, 2014


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A non-pony writing for my readers · 4:45am Jan 30th, 2013

Just a little something I wrote a while ago. I don't write ponies anymore, but I write stuff like this all of the time. Thought at least some people might be interested. I novelized this incredible scene-

“So… this all seems horrible,” Banner smiled as the scooter’s engine began to die.

“I’ve seen worse…” A feminine voice warmed the darkening atmosphere.

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Report FlutterDash979797 · 507 views ·
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Hey! How are you? I would like to know if you would like to work on a story with me, because I'm kinda an amateur, so I do need help with it. But I do need other people to help me with the story writing and character killing and things like that. I'm just terrible at plot conflict. :fluttershyouch: Otherwise i am a big fan of your works too, i just usually go around reading tons of things...

I miss you...

Hey everyone! It's the Emperor's birthday! Happy birthday Emperor Akihito!

I'm going to make this fresh! ummmmmm...... BALLOON PARTY! 25!

Whoa, you have a spongebob avatar too? You sir, are a classy gentleman.

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