• Member Since 5th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 13th, 2013


I fell in love with MLP in the summer of 2012. And want to write some fanfics, but have no ideas! So I would absolutely LOVE some requests from you people!


Lightning Strike's Daily Journal · 2:21am Dec 23rd, 2012

Hello, incredibly small group of followers! I'm posting this to tell you about a new fictional journal initiative that I've started up. My OC, Lightning Strike, has a daily Tumblr journal up now. Everyday there will be a short synopsis of how his day went. This is also an "ask" Tumblr, so anybody is allowed to ask him questions about anything they want. I'm hoping that it'll get popular, so tell all your Brony and Pegasister friends about it!


Report sirgawain1997 · 366 views ·
Comments ( 7 )
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Thank you for the favorite on Address Unknown! I appreciate your interest very much and hope I can keep you coming back for more! :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the watch :pinkiehappy:


ok, cool! i'll message you my name.

Just addin some bronies on teh skype :3 :derpytongue2:

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