If it can go wrong, it's happened to Tristan Shay.
After his mother dies due to illness, the friendless, twenty-two year-old college dropout is forced to live on his own in an old house he's renting just outside of the city. One day, he receives a scroll in the mail from someone who calls their self "Princess Celestia", saying something about seven guests who will be taking a month long field trip to "his" world. This has to be the weirdest prank mail he's ever gotten...
Very first story ever. No sad rating due to only a few paragraphs of sad stuff that comes later in the story and the Teen rating is for light sexual content and possible flirting/shipping. Constructive criticism is always welcome :)
w00t. wanna read more...it's short..really but i love the story idea
Lol, there's a lot more to the story yet to come, but I'm glad you enjoyed it! :)
my curiosity has been peaked
Lol, glad to hear that!
I do believe I shall enjoy this. TRACKING ENGAGED!
You seem to be jumping awfully fast into this.
Slow it down a bit. it would make it a bit more realistic. Then again, it's a story.
I still enjoy it, those were just some small faults.
Thanks for your input. I was actually wondering if I was speeding through a tad. But none the less, I appreciate the comment. And I'm glad you're enjoying the story
Shit's gonna hit the fan once they find the ham...
Lol, it just might
:3 First.
Dis chaptah b gud sheyt.
I tried taking your advice the best I could. Not sure if I followed that completely through or not, but I'm glad you like it, regardless!
I meant that you should slow down on things like the 'anatomy' thing in the first chapter. that joke would've fit prfectly the next day or o when Twi wants to learn about humans. Not ten minutes after they get there.
Ah, lol. I understand now. I originally intended that statement to be something that AJ thought Twilight was implying, not necessarily Twilight hitting on Tristan, but in retrospect, I can definitely see your point :)
Observing and waiting. Let's see where this goes.
Well that was a lil awkward
but still gets 5/5
Meanwhile at the neighbor's house across the street
There could have only been one way to make this funnier.
Pause for dramatic effect...
Awkward boner-poke.
good chapter bro!
Lol, thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Excellent work spazzy.
Thank you!
I liek it. And it looks like somones got a crush

Well i really liked this chapter, good job
Lol, thank you. And who knows?
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it
I Applaud you for being so good at setting up harems.
Good chapter
...Wait'll they get ahold of Red Bull.
Ha, AJ stealing peeks at her new chest puppies. I think she likes them.
a man gotta do what he gotta do, FIRST!
loving this story so far, cant wait for more
Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying the story!
Dammit Twilight quite taking his smokes! Those are expensive!!!!!!!!
Great chapter as always
Thank you!
I'm kicking myself for passing over this story for so long its awesome +3 manly
for you
Thank you! Glad you're enjoying the story so far!
*sips some coffee and waits staring at the screen*
I would have laughed so hard if they had "accedentally" lost track of time in the clothes story
oh and thanks for this chapter it maybe a little on the short side but at least it satisfes my inner MOAR! monster.
keep up the awesome work mate
Thanks! I will!
1142255 my inner moar monster thanks you. lol
You have sated my hunger for casual comedy/romace/(and/or)adventure stories. Woops, look at the time, i'm hungry again.
Table Flip
This story does not have enough recognition. For that you get my bi-annual moustache.
Thank you! Moustaches are always appreciated!