• Member Since 1st Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 2nd, 2015



Chapters? In MY stories? · 3:08am Nov 21st, 2012

Ive written the next chapter in Jedi Exile! Huzzah! The chapters have been .143'd!

In any case I have written the chapter and hope to have it up by the end of the night. The tripe I have down is kinda bad. There are at least 5 things that make no sense. To the editing room!

Report makey101 · 371 views ·

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I ansered to your offer on looking for editors incase you didn't know.

all of the chapters have been written in less than two hours. It takes me a long time to be motivated.


funny you should ask. I just wrote an outline (the hardest part) now I need to have motivation to write it. after I have motivation, it should take an hour or two

hows the next chapter of jedi exile coming along

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