• Member Since 4th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Jun 4th, 2023


I only hope you enjoy my work. I appreciate all the comments and especially the favorites and follows. They make me happy.

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Sudden Realization · 11:45am Jul 15th, 2020

So, I was watching that new MLP: Pony Life show, super cute BTW, and realized something that's been staring me in the face since S1-E1; Tabitha St. Germain is the Tress MacNeille of Ponyville. Seriously, Tabitha was Rarity, Nightmare Moon, Luna, Granny Smith, the new voice of Spike, etc. Tress played just about every background female on The Simpsons, Futurama, and Disenchanted. Don't get me wrong, I love Tara Strong, the Vocal Queen, but she only ever played Twilight, Velvet (once), and Flurry

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Report drnkntst · 467 views ·
Comments ( 69 )
  • Viewing 65 - 69 of 69

So what happen to your account on fanfiction.net I can't fine it

Are you ok?

When are you going to make more chapters for your stories?

I like your stories.

You good man you haven’t been updating and creating stories for a long while?

  • Viewing 65 - 69 of 69
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