• Member Since 27th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 6th, 2019



A Couple Announcements · 12:54pm Oct 17th, 2016

I have a few things to bring up, and I suppose that first of all I should get to the one most people reading this would care about.

No. Chains is not a dead story, I've just been extremely busy for the year, coupled with lack of motivation and inspiration, writing was just a bit too difficult to get to. I hope to be updating it soon, and hopefully regularly. The chapter I'm working on for it is mostly done.

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Report BookyBrony · 947 views · Story: Chains ·

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Comments ( 72 )
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Rip Booky Brony and his really good stories.

Still... on hold?

welp, this page is dead.....

I am, Chains is on hold for now, and has been for a while, I know. but right now I'm working on another project, and I hope people will enjoy it. I hope to have it posted and started this coming month.

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