• Member Since 10th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 6th, 2023

Silent Scout


Hey everyone · 10:45am Apr 4th, 2015

To start off sorry for not posting a blog post or the promised chapter. I just recently was able to wipe my laptop and reinstall the OS back on it after having it sit on my desk for a few months as a paper weight. The down side to this however is that I lost the chapter that I was working on until then for the Fallout story. (I even lost the edited work I did for my avatar image...).

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Report Silent Scout · 544 views · Story: Revelation 21:6 ·

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Comments ( 15 )
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833792 can't wait to read new chapters for your stories. hope they come out soon.

Awesome. Can't wait!

School and work have had me tied up lately, (have multiple essays due) but I type up some stuff when I get the chance. I will hopefully get a chapter done while I'm off on vacation for the holidays.

So how are your stories coming along? Haven't seen anything in a while.

I'm actually about to finish the next chapter and send it to my editors. It will be up soon.

  • Viewing 11 - 15 of 15
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