• Member Since 8th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen Jan 31st, 2019

Sky Hawk


Story on hold · 3:06am Jul 9th, 2014

Hi guys. I know you're all excited about the new story that got started "The Quest". However the next chapter will be on hold till next month (August 2014). The reason is my daughter is visiting so I can't write. Also if any of you out there plan on attending Bronycon in Baltimore MD look me up. We are going and I can't wait since this will be her first convention. Thanks for all the support guys and the story will continue soon. Please feel free to leave comments as always and if you

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Comments ( 6 )
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Thank you for liking Knighty Night princess Luna. :-)

Always waiting for the next chapter of The Quest, Sky. ;)


Thank you for adding A Proper Introduction to your favorites! Feedback is always appreciated!

Hey I'm that you faved on My Preening Husband. It means a lot to me. Be sure to check my other works. :twilightsmile:

Mi parte favorita de la primera fue la ultima donde se ve la nueva familia de jake y celestia, en cuanto a la otra todavia no he terminado de leerla.

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