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- Forged in air combat, the best of the best, the F-22 Raptor. The best aircraft on the planet, soon to be the best and first aircraft in Equestria. An ace pilot is transported to Equestria, he has to learn to get along with a peaceful race of ponies.F-22 Raptor · 2.3k words · 41 14 · 4k views
- Jorge, after detonating a bomb on a Covanent Supercarrier, is transported to Equestria, along with a UNSC armored division equipped with scorpion tanks and a few pelicans.F-22 Raptor · 3.6k words · 49 16 · 2.1k views
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Thank you for the favourite on Phases of the Moon. Hope you like!
Thank you for the favourite on Wildfire 4: The Heart of the Flame. I hope you aren't disappointed with it.
Thanks for adding The Bright Equestrian Moon to your favourites!
Thanks a ton for the fav friend! It means a lot! I hope you enjoy it!
Hey thanks for the fav. Not sure if I met you at Bronycon this weekend but what do you like about the stories so far? Also if you enjoyed them don't forget to favorite them.