• Member Since 1st Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 25th, 2018


Hello! You might know me from Youtube or Fanfiction.net. I am a 19 year old woman, who loves parties, studying, and apples. My main OCs are Lemon-Lime, Celery Stalks, and Pink Sprinkles.


Baby/Recovery · 2:18am Mar 9th, 2014

Well, it was three months being feed by a tube and bedridden, but I'm better. I even have wonderful news! My baby had another baby behind it! I now am four months pregnant with a son and a daughter. I am still weak, but I will be off and on.

I hope this makes people worry less about me,

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1189560 You've reached PinkLemonLimeSprinkles. Please wait for an instant message and pray for her two new bundles of joy, Rose and Jacob!

Comment posted by SkyPieIsTheBest deleted Aug 31st, 2018

We haven't spoken since I used the bridge death on Sweet Apples.

okay. guess this site will see you again in two months then.

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