I'm a college Senior who has lived in the US, Portugal, Germany, and the Philippines. I love traveling, photography, making videos, drawing, video games, outdoor activities, sports, writing, and watching animated tv shows (thus the brony side of me).
I still don't know what I'll do after college, but oh well. For now, I'm making sure the creative spark stays ready-to-go until I do graduate.
I think that's a fantastic idea. If you use this new story to introduce your characters, reveal the interactions between your and my characters, and have it act as the transition into The Black Sun, I think that you will have a much better and easier to follow tale.
I'm extremely sorry that I have not read much of The Black Sun. If my own page is proof enough, I haven't gotten much reading or writing done outside of my college work. I've promised several people I'd read their stories and I'm afraid I've done a poor job in keeping those promises. I do intend to read and finish yours, though, mark my words, and I'm excited to see what you do with this new story.
If you ever have any questions, don't be afraid to message me on Deviantart. I'm always happy to help or give my perspective of my characters. Good luck, Avenger!
Dear Shrapnelleader,
I’m sorry, but I’m gonna have to temporally take down The Black Sun for a while. I’m doing this so I can work on a story that’s a sequel to you story, but a prequel to The Black Sun. The World Duel Championships X will explore how Andromeda and her friends meet Leone, Team Wang Hu Zhong, and a few other plot holes in The Black Sun. It would be a big help if you were to help. Tell me what you think, please.
Singed, The Avenger
718482 Oh yeeeeahhhh, I remember you. It's been a long time! What have you been up to?
Hey, not sure how much time has passed since we last talked, but I'm that UmitheMusicalPony guy from DA. Fancy seeing you here too!
686971 Awesome, looking forward to you opinions mon