Hello And Goodbye · 6:48pm Dec 4th, 2014
Sadly, i must say goodbye. Things are really depressing for me at home and i need to focus on taking care of my twin daughters. As some may know, about 10 months ago, my partner successfully took her own life. I am unable to both write, and take care of my daughters at the same time, so i am no longer going to write. IF you wish to take over My Last Letter To The Princess, PM me. First come first serve, even though its unlikely any one will respond...
1173106 1215972 1210884 Hello everyone! This is annakitty95. miseta22 happens to be my tutor in real life, and she has been unable to log in due to some personal things that have happened, so she asked me to check her page. And also she says "No need to thank me. I always favorite stories that i enjoy!"
Thank you for favouriting Five against One!
Danke for the favorite! Welcome to the MLZ Community!
Thanks for the favorite! It really means a lot to me.
946762 Better late than never