• Member Since 17th May, 2013
  • offline last seen Aug 14th, 2019

Star Sentinel

Bronies are the ponies that love My little pony........Did that rhyme?

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Self-confidence · 7:04am Feb 23rd, 2014

So...Self-confidence is a damn pain in the ass. Just when you think you got enough confidence, Blam! It hits you with a brick. And that's not my only problem. Self-confidence is preventing me from posting my story!

It's a damn ass. I'm gonna say that much. So...I bet your wondering when my next story is coming. Well I'll tell you this, "It's coming so calm down!" Yeah. So wait a little longer I got something planed.

Also what do you think about self-confidence?

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Report Star Sentinel · 354 views ·
Comments ( 94 )
  • Viewing 90 - 94 of 94

1394189 Hmm...I'm pretty sure there's an app for Cloudsdale.

O3o I would frequent it , if the page agreed with my phone xD.

1390689 Mhmm. Though I wish you came onto the Cloudsdale chat a few times at least. You know, this chat. You came on once then I never saw you again.

How ya doing Starry?
Been smiling?

  • Viewing 90 - 94 of 94
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