• Member Since 10th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen Apr 28th, 2018

Bookworm Guardian

Lover of fiction and writing, Bookworm Guardian is here to give the fine ponies here what they want: Stories! Hope to see y'all real soon!


I keep seeing Gummy's inner monologue · 4:13pm Jun 14th, 2015

And I can't help but draw this parallel...

Am I the only one?

Report Bookworm Guardian · 389 views ·

Library of Originality

Achievement Board

[ ]Letter Recieved!: Complete a chapter of Letters of a London Life

[ ] London's Finest: Complete the Letters of a London Life

[ ] Sticky Fingers: Complete a chapter of Honor and Friendship

[ ] World Class Heist: Complete Honor and Friendship

[ ] Reincarnation: Complete Arc One of Way of the Dragons

[ ] Readjustment: Complete Arc Two of Way of the Dragons

[ ] Revelations: Complete the Third and Final Arc of Way of the Dragons

[ ] Forging Connections: Complete a chapter of Strings of Fate

[ ] Bonds of Steel: Complete Strings of Fate

[ ] Leaf Fall: Complete Autumn of Courage

[ ] First Time For Everything...: Complete a story

[ ] Like Old People Love Fried Chicken: Get a Story up to 50 likes

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Comments ( 63 )
  • Viewing 59 - 63 of 63

Hi. How're you doing? :3

Hey, how's everything been? Haven't heard from you in a while.

Thanks for favoriting Who’s on First Dashie! :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the fav Bookworm. I myself enjoy reading and writing and I'm glad a fellow author took an interest in one of my stories. Tell me what you think once you have finished.:twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 59 - 63 of 63
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