• Member Since 10th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


British derp writer who derps and writes but mostly derps

Putting My Bio Here After Knighty Derped Again

Hi, I'm the creator of The OC Roleplay group and the mod/writer of Ask Kuleco, along with my various stories published here.

The usual suspects (AKA, my main OCs):


Crusaders of the Lost Mark (Spoilers Be Here) · 5:31pm Oct 10th, 2015

Usually don't bother doing a blog post about episodes because I don't have much to say, but given the storyline significance of the episode and the fact it is the 5th anniversary I guess it makes sense.

In case the title didn't clue you in then warning, spoilers ahead.

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Some Stuff

Comments ( 167 )
  • Viewing 163 - 167 of 167

This guy won't stop harassing me. This is the second time this happened. The first time I ended up having to delete one of my threads just to make him leave me alone.


Comment posted by ObsidianPony deleted Nov 11th, 2019
Comment posted by Violet Rose in The Rain deleted Nov 11th, 2019

Thanks for adding my story to your group.

Wow that's some nice art.

  • Viewing 163 - 167 of 167
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