30 Minutes Writing Challenge · 11:05am Oct 29th, 2016
It seems like my writing's terrible, so I'm going to be trying to improve it a little. Looking back, the project seems too big for me, as my past writing skill wasn't good. But again, the current me isn't much better. So, I'll be trying to improve a little by setting time limit. For this time, I'll attempt writing something in under 30 minutes (proofreading included, but probably won't have time to do it...)
Can you please tell me what you tried to comment on Shodowpony300's story? He deleted it before I could read it...
Thanks for the favorite
Thanks for the flattery, but I think we should stop hijacking the innocent OP's thread here ...
Thanks for the fave of As You Wish...
To your statement on my last thread...
Yes, yes it is.