• Member Since 21st Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen Jun 8th, 2016


You really want to know the cray cray? Beware, my brain will turn on a dime and leave you blind. I've seen the dark side and they have cookies... Then again, Angels have marshmallows.


Over Long absence · 12:37am Apr 6th, 2016

Sorry for my absence. :fluttershyouch: Didn't mean to but this little flutter pony decided to learn all about Health and Life Insurance. It took many a day and a full turning of one full moon to new moon and back to learn.

Now, I just have to master calling people. I have to convince them I know all the new laws and really do not care if I only succeed in educating them. *sigh* Ponies can be so mean when you just try to help them...
Now I just have to balance out work and play.

Report ladyarcana · 465 views ·

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Comments ( 69 )
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Thank you for the follow. I returned the favor. :)

2118840 Hoping to get some comments on the new story.

Thanks for joining my advertisements group

Comment posted by Evilworld deleted May 16th, 2016

1946721 Ah, that's right the Lion Guard thing:rainbowlaugh:
I only know a bit about the original series from the 80s, but I do like the reboot that came out a few years back. If you need OCs, I'd be glad to give you Tacitus

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