• Member Since 27th May, 2013
  • offline last seen Apr 30th, 2015



Wow, It's Been a Long Time · 9:03am Apr 28th, 2015

Sorry for disappearing, y'all. I've had a lot going on. I've moved a couple times, I've been focusing on my college degree, and I've published a few novels, as well as started some new ones.

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Comments ( 6 )
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Thank you for the watch! What prompted you to do so?

thanks for the favs on Knights of Night - Chosen of the Moon:yay:
if you really like it feel free to leave a thumbs up :scootangel:

Hey, thanks for the watch. Always happy to get new readers. :pinkiehappy:

Oh! I'm also very glad that you enjoyed my little story about two ponies who are still in love. Thanks for your Fave of The Father of My Children, it means quite a bit to me!:twilightsmile:

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