Sort-of Hiatus · 10:26pm May 11th, 2014
So, I realize I haven't been online for a while, and I have a few things to say.
First, that finale. It was brilliant, beautiful, and epic. I loved it so much, and I can't say I wasn't reduced to tears a few times while watching it.... :') I think they did an excellent job with season 4 and I will eagerly be awaiting season 5, though I'm sure I won't be as patient waiting till next year. :/ Sigh.
872432You're very welcome! I enjoyed your story very much, it was beautiful. And thankyou!
Thank you so much for the Fave of Every Little Bit! I'm glad that you enjoyed my little peek at the world of Dash and Spike!
Lovin' the avatar, too!
Your welcome
679228 you're very welcome!
Thank you so much for the Fave of The Silent Shore! I greatly appreciate it!