• Member Since 31st Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Sep 4th, 2014



That one day when Bradbury told me to go fuck myself. · 7:40am Sep 23rd, 2013

Written in slav-squat.

Don’t talk about it; write.
-Ray Bradbury, The Writer’s Digest

This quote. This quote made me take notice of one thing I've been doing lately way more than anyone should.

Lately, I'm only talking about writing.
And trying to build hype, but not actually working beyond planning and taking notes and ideas which just keep piling up rather than flourishing into stories.

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Report AA-12Ducky · 538 views ·
Comments ( 77 )
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I remember how you stood up for me so long ago. I hope you come back; I want to speak with you.

I watch you blindly. Also cause your name is a shotgun followed by the generic name given to a group of aquatic water fowl. :pinkiehappy:

My idiot teachers decided to lump all the assignments just at that time.
No drafts as I had planned, sadly.

Well, seems like December will be my NaNoWriMo.
I don't have anything to do this month anyways.


830993 So how did NaNo turn out? I used to do that myself until I realized I was writing at least that much ponyfiction every month.

Oh snap, you just tied the poll! :pinkiegasp:

  • Viewing 73 - 77 of 77
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That one day when Bradbury told me to go fuck myself. · 7:40am Sep 23rd, 2013

Written in slav-squat.

Don’t talk about it; write.
-Ray Bradbury, The Writer’s Digest

This quote. This quote made me take notice of one thing I've been doing lately way more than anyone should.

Lately, I'm only talking about writing.
And trying to build hype, but not actually working beyond planning and taking notes and ideas which just keep piling up rather than flourishing into stories.

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Report AA-12Ducky · 538 views ·